About Us

Our Professional Resolution

We are a dedicated team of highly skilled, experienced and driven real estate and construction professionals. We are motivated to demonstrate difference through service.


We aim to demonstrate a new national order where decent living and working spaces are always achieved at the lowest possible cost, while delivery on schedule is kept in sharp focus.


We commit to always bring satisfaction to our clients by gaining clear unambiguous insight into pending requirement and then work to deliver solutions and products that exceed expectations.

We bring success to our projects through skillful, logical and efficient design of building projects as well the strategic management of the construction process. We maintain expertise and value engineering as common denominators in the organization and delivery of our solutions.

Promotion: Up to 10% discount on home purchases (with up to 2 years payment plan) till August 2023 

From $35,000 (9 months completion). $4,200 deposit and $630 monthly (60 months)

From $38,500 (9 months completion). $4,620 deposit and $693 monthly (60 months)

From $42,000 (9 months completion). $5,040 deposit and $756 monthly (60 months)

From $51,500 (9 months completion). $6,180 deposit and $927 monthly (60 months)

From $72,500 (9 months completion). $8,700 deposit and $1,305 monthly (60 months)