
Contact Us

If you are interested in any of our products and services, please kindly complete the form on this page and we would promptly respond. Alternatively, you are welcome give us a call or to visit our offices for a chart.

Promotion: Up to 10% discount on home purchases (with up to 2 years payment plan) till July 2023 

From $35,000 (9 months completion). $4,200 deposit and $630 monthly (60 months)

From $38,500 (9 months completion). $4,620 deposit and $693 monthly (60 months)

From $42,000 (9 months completion). $5,040 deposit and $756 monthly (60 months)

From $51,500 (9 months completion). $6,180 deposit and $927 monthly (60 months)

From $72,500 (9 months completion). $8,700 deposit and $1,305 monthly (60 months)